Probiotics Facts & Myths

The use of probiotics has become quite widespread lately. But as is common among topics that rapidly rise in popularity, misinformation is easily spread as some companies may prey on customers’ ignorance. We think it’s time to debunk the most common myths about probiotics.

CoQ10 101

In the world of antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, otherwise known as CoQ10, stands out as a key player in human health. Learn the history of this enzyme, the important role it plays in the body, and more.

Phosphatidylserine 101

It’s a hot topic lately: Phosphatidylserine facilitates communication between brain and nerve cells, delivering nutrients and helping to keep these cells intact. Learn more about this important phospholipid’s health benefits.

Should I Exercise on an Empty Stomach?

Not eating before an intense workout may cause lightheadedness or mild nausea. But is it ever advisable to work out on an empty stomach? Daniel Heller, MSc shares the differences among different workouts and which are safe to do without eating beforehand.