What to Do Before, During, and After a Cold or Flu

It’s never fun to be at home with a cold or flu. While we may not be able to prevent them, we may be able to take steps that can reduce our exposure and have an impact on duration and severity. Here are some things you can do before, during, and even after the onset of a cold or flu:

What Counts as Fiber? A Discussion on FDA Regulations (Part Two)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is giving the Nutrition and Supplement Facts panels a facelift! In part one of this two-part series we outlined some of the major changes coming to labels starting in 2020. One of those changes includes defining dietary fiber for the first time, which affects what types of carbohydrates can be labeled as fibers.

A Happy Gut for the Holidays

Between the heaps of sugar from cookies and candies, and the mountains of gravy from a seasonal roast, the months of November and December—actually let’s be honest, more like the months of October through January—are not known for being health-promoting.