Probiotics Facts & Myths

The use of probiotics has become quite widespread lately. But as is common among topics that rapidly rise in popularity, misinformation is easily spread as some companies may prey on customers’ ignorance. We think it’s time to debunk the most common myths about probiotics.

Gut Health and Sleep: How Are They Connected?

There is no doubt that sleep plays a crucial role in brain health and function, and as it turns out, the gut and the brain are basically in constant communication through the gut-brain axis. More specifically, the gut in gut-brain axis refers to the microbiome, or the collection of all microorganisms like bacteria, yeasts, and fungi that live in the intestines. The gut-brain axis is a two-way communication, so not only can those little critters in the gut influence heath, but mental and emotional state of a person can impact the microbiome.

What to Do Before, During, and After a Cold or Flu

It’s never fun to be at home with a cold or flu. While we may not be able to prevent them, we may be able to take steps that can reduce our exposure and have an impact on duration and severity. Here are some things you can do before, during, and even after the onset of a cold or flu:

A Happy Gut for the Holidays

Between the heaps of sugar from cookies and candies, and the mountains of gravy from a seasonal roast, the months of November and December—actually let’s be honest, more like the months of October through January—are not known for being health-promoting.